

Healthy LIfestyle

Founder of Nourish Ways | Holistic Wellness Coach

My journey started 22 years ago as a school teacher and additionally a school counsellor, mentoring school children as well as adults. Over the course of my career, I evolved to helping individuals to empower and take care of themselves by nourishing their wellbeing.

I know how it feels to be in your shoes and I can say I know that you do everything you can for the love of teaching, but at what cost? Teachers are superheroes taking care of tomorrow’s future but you also need help in taking care of yourself holistically, integrating the physical, emotional and mental aspects. I believe there is a necessity for considering overall wellness and nutritional needs for teachers.

I am a qualified holistic wellness coach, pursuing my passion and interest in innovative holistic coaching methods, combining both the wellness coaching and nutrition aspects together in a powerful, holistic way.

As the founder of Nourish Ways and have partnered with Think Teacher, in offering individual and group coaching for teachers regarding their nutrition journey for a more energetic, healthy and calm teacher.

Workshops for Schools: Be mindful of your nutritional needs in order to sustain and support your energy to get through each school day, The Importance of Sleep and A healthy Diet, Clear your Work and Home Space to reenergise your overall wellness. It’s a privilege to be part of Think Teacher and share the ‘Nourishing Ways’ to uplift the teaching community.